The Mark 10 Mission

Each of our Celebrations of the Word lead children to Jesus. We share the Gospel, wonder about its meaning, enter into prayer and sing. We have a Mission each week to encourage children to live out their faith in the world.

We want to keep all of our resources free to children. If your school enjoys The Mark 10 Mission, would you consider making a donation to keep our work going?

Celebrations of the Word

Ep25: Enter God’s Presence in Lent

In the Gospel, Jesus takes three of his friends up a high mountain to pray. There he is transfigured, meaning his face and clothes become dazzling white. Greg helps us to reflect on this wonderful moment and how we are invited to have our own mountaintop encounter with Jesus each and every time we pray. Jesus wants us to experience the same joy and peace his friends did at the Transfiguration. We enter into his presence as we pray and the sing 'Better in His Presence' with Joe.

Mission File

Mission Poster

Ep24: The Meaning of Lent

Lent is a season of “Metanoia” meaning a change of heart and a turning back to God. In the Gospel, Jesus is tempted in the wilderness. Angel reflects on how Jesus was strong in the face of temptation and how we can be inspired by his example this Lent. We then enter into prayer, inviting Jesus to inspire us as we set out on our Lenten journey. We are also beginning our Mission to support Mary’s Meals this Lent as we pray, fast and give for the world’s hungriest children.

Mission File

Mary’s Meals Mission Poster

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