Jubilee 2025
Pilgrims of Hope
In 2025, the Church is celebrating a Jubilee Year. A Jubilee year happens every quarter century and is a ‘Holy Year’ and a time of renewal and a deepening of our relationship with God.
The Mark 10 Mission exists to lead children to God, to grow in the art of prayer and nurture their personal relationship with him. We have created two Jubilee videos, recorded a hymn and produced some additional resources to help schools celebrate the Jubilee.
The Mark 10 Mission (Ages 8-12)
Pilgrims of Hope
We are starting the Jubilee with Jesus. We hear in the Gospel how he amazed the people of Nazareth when he said 'the Year of the Lord's favour' had begun. Jesus was announcing a new beginning and we are also starting something new, the Year of Jubilee. Greg helps us understand what it means to be a Pilgrim of Hope, walking with Jesus and sharing his love. We meet with Jesus in prayer and ask him to fill us with his strength and love for the year ahead. We then join Angel as she sings 'God's Spirit is in My Heart.'
Little Liturgies (Ages 3-7)
Pilgrims of Hope
It is time to begin the Jubilee! We meet Jesus in his hometown of Nazareth and he has an important announcement to make: 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus is announcing a new time of hope for everyone. We are also starting a year of new hope, the Jubilee. Greg, with the help of a new friend, helps us understand more about the Jubilee and how we can walk with Jesus. We then pray together and sing 'God's Spirit is in My Heart' with Angel.
We have put together a pack of downloadable PDFs to help schools create a Jubilee Display.
The Pack includes:
Jubilee Display Banners with either the Jubilee Logo or Mascot
Jubilee Information Posters
Jubilee Prayer Poster
Jubilee Hymn Poster
Images of Pope Francis, Luce the Jubilee Mascot and the four Jubilee Basilicas in Rome.
The Jubilee Logo Poster
Angel sings a new version of God's Spirit is in My Heart.
We love this hymn and have released it as the Jubilee Year 2025 begins in schools across England and Wales. The hymn links beautifully to the Gospel passage Luke 4:14-21